All-Parliamentary Group for Cyber Innovation

To provide a forum for discussion of ideas, solutions and policies to unlock innovation, growth, and diversity in the cyber sector.

About the APPG

This APPG brings together parliamentarians, industry professionals, academia, media and civil society, and aims to attract non-traditional voices into the debate, to facilitate mutual learning, change perceptions and develop new and innovative policy recommendations.

At its heart, the APPG provides an open forum for new ideas and non-traditional voices shifting the way cyber is talked about, perceived, and understood by the public, and within government itself.

The UK’s cyber sector is a highly innovative, vibrant market that enables growth, opportunities and investment. However, and despite government funding to grow the cyber ecosystem, policymakers and the media have long focused on cyber from a reactive, threat-management and regulatory perspective. 

Moreover, and many parts of the cyber sector, from technologists, to SMEs, to the crucially important cyber talent pipeline in schools and universities, hardly ever engage directly with Parliament.

Therefore, the Cyber Innovation APPG establishes an avenue for unique perspectives and solutions to be raised in Parliament and highlighting cyber’s role in enabling our modern society and economy – informing the policy and political debate about how we shape cyber throughout the 21st century and beyond.

Dan Aldridge MP

Labour, Chair

Max Wilkinson MP

Liberal Democrats, Officer

Sarah Edwards MP

Labour, Officer

John Glen MP

Conservative, Officer

I8th December 2024: APPG for Cyber Innovation Inaugural General MeetingDownload