Building Resilience: How UK Cybersecurity Organisations Can Bolster IT Supply Chains

Watch the Cybersecurity Business Network (CBN)’s webinar on ‘Building Resilience: How UK Cybersecurity Organisations Can Bolster IT Supply Chains’.

The recent global outage – followed by a DDoS cyber attack on Microsoft Azure highlighted a major issue with contemporary IT supply chains: the lack of diversification and a concentration of risk undermining the resilience of critical IT systems.

The discussion explored:

– Factors that led to the recent disruption and outage – Inherent risks of failing to diversify a security supply chain – How organisations can better manage their supply chains to improve resilience
– How the healthcare and telecom sectors have been managing their supply chain
– Role that UK cybersecurity organisations could play in improving resilience and mitigating risks
– Support needed by the UK cybersecurity sector from government to capitalise on the role it can have in delivering resilience

Speakers include:
– Andrew Kernahan, Strategic Advisor, Cybersecurity Business Network.
– Tim Rawlins, Director & Senior Adviser at NCC Group
– Simon Newman, Director at Cyber Resilience Centre London
– Dr Melanie Garson, Technology & Cyber Geopolitics Lead at Tony Blair Institute
– Rachel Dean, Head of Cyber Security at NHS Supply Chain